How will you manage annual leave for your team next year – post COVID-19? Listen to Brendan Lucas for some planning advice.
What does the Government’s COVID-19 stimulus package mean for CHSP providers?
For those with funding direct from The Department of Health they have announced:
The flexibility provisions for FY20 and FY21 are being relaxed, allowing existing CHSP providers to transfer up to 100 % of their allocated funding between service types.
Urgent or immediate CHSP services can be put in place for up to six weeks, for clients affected by COVID-19 or in self-isolation, without requiring an assessment.
Penalties will not be applied unreasonably and discretion will be used if service delivery targets are not met due to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Economic Stimulus update – SMEs and NFPs
Hopscotch Director, Brendan Lucas, breaks down element of the Australian Government’s Economic Stimulus package so you know when the cash flow measures will be released.